
Microsoft Windows Protocol Host

Search Protocol Host is part of the Windows Search component and helps index files on Windows PC . SearchProtocolHost.exe helps execute the Windows Search utility, and does not cause any threat to your PC.

Microsoft Windows Search Protocol Host

I would suggest you refer to the below article and check if it helps to resolve the issue. Fix SearchProtocolHost.exe High CPU Usage.


SearchProtocolHost.exe 是Windows 桌面搜尋服務執行,OneNote 有使用到他增進效能。 試著重建電腦的索引看看,參考 變更 ...

Microsoft Windows Search Protocol Host

Open Task manager, if you can find SearchProtocolHost.exe Under Details, please right click to Open file location.

偵錯通訊協定處理常式- Win32 apps

然後,通訊協定處理常式會視需要載入SearchProtocolHost 進程。 在停止搜尋服務之前,它們不會卸載。 當服務執行時,會重複使用相同通訊協定處理常式的實例。

How to Fix SearchProtocolHost.exe High CPU Usage in Windows

1. Update Windows or Roll Back a Recent Update · 2. Run the Built-in Search and Indexing Troubleshooter · 3. Remove Recently Installed Third-Party ...


硬碟在沒有做什麼下一值聽到存取聲音於是乎找了一個偵測硬碟軟體這才發現是SearchProtocolHost.exe在搞鬼偵測短短不到3小時已經讀取了46GB的量請問有 ...

Problems with Microsoft Windows Search Protocol Host using large ...

The final solution I can find is to uninstall the program, however I will use Premiere Pro quite a bit in the next few weeks. I was wondering if ...

Multiple Microsoft Windows Search Protocol Host taking up 100 ...

There are multiple task named as Microsoft Windows Search Protocol Host that are sucking a lot of my cpu power. I tried all the solutions ...

Microsoft Windows Search Filter Host too frequent

I noticed that the Microsoft Windows Search Filter Host process (SearchFilterHost.exe) gets activated quite frequently, and when it does it has high CPU ...


SearchProtocolHostispartoftheWindowsSearchcomponentandhelpsindexfilesonWindowsPC.SearchProtocolHost.exehelpsexecutetheWindowsSearchutility,anddoesnotcauseanythreattoyourPC.,Iwouldsuggestyourefertothebelowarticleandcheckifithelpstoresolvetheissue.FixSearchProtocolHost.exeHighCPUUsage.,SearchProtocolHost.exe是Windows桌面搜尋服務執行,OneNote有使用到他增進效能。試著重建電腦的索引看看,參考變更 .....